10 Tips for Healthy Eating

- Clean out your kitchen before starting a clean eating journey, no matter what kind of diet you chose.Whether you decide to do Paleo, Whole30, Keto, 21 Day Fix or just simply eat healthy… you don’t want junk in your house to derail you. It’s so important to remove all of the junk from your house (and not by eating it) so that you are not tempted to eat the junk.
I get that you have snacks for your family as well, but you can get them healthy snacks as well. Healthy snacks that even if you cave in and eat them, it’s okay because it wasn’t a Twinkie or king sized candy bar.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s okay to enjoy life and give in to cravings to stay sane. But if you are doing this ALL. THE. TIME. it’s not going to help you.
And when your house has a ton of junk, it’s much easier to continuously keep eating the junk day in and day out.
If it’s not there, you can’t eat it.
Related: How to Clean Out Your Kitchen to Prepare for Clean Eating
- Journal & keep track of what you are eating
Sometimes… actually a lot of times… we think we’re eating healthier than we are. Then we wonder why we’re not seeing results.This is why it’s important to keep track of what you’re actually eating (at least at the beginning of a journey until you figure it out).
It only takes a few seconds to write down what you just ate.If you want to be super organized with it, check out this Simply Fit Planner that allows you to do just that while also tracking everything else and planning for a fit & healthy life.
- Meal plan
Meal planning is easier than you think!Also, the few minutes it takes you to meal plan just once a week will save you a ton of time during the week and will also save you money.It saves you money because you are only buying what you need and not letting food go to waste. It saves you time because you are not wasting time trying to figure out what to cook or taking last minute trips to the grocery store for missing ingredients.
Not to mention it keeps you on track because you will only plan to eat things that fit your lifestyle and new way of eating.The Simply Fit Planner also has space to meal plan. This is where I meal plan every single Sunday.
- Meal prep
Meal prepping requires blocking out some time to cook/prep meals once a week, but that time is a huge investment.By blocking out that time you are able to completely stay on track the entire week because you have all of your meals already cooked and waiting for you.You don’t have to do anything complicated or anything that takes forever.You can even make No-Cook meals that just take a few minutes to prepare.
On a busy week, I can meal prep for the entire week in just an hour. If I’m feeling fancy and want to overdo it, I’ll block out 3 hours. But that means no cooking or very minimal cooking during the week, so it’s a win in my book.Related: The Absolute Best Meal Prep Containers for Clean Eating
- Be easy on yourself
Know that you will make mistakes and will give in on the way. And that’s okay, forgive yourself and move on. Pick right back up where you left off without punishing yourself.That just means that you’re a completely normal human being. As a matter of fact, I would be more worried about you if you were never tempted by food or never allowed yourself to have treats! - Only buy what you need
You already cleaned out your kitchen, so don’t ruin all of that work by buying crap you don’t need. Don’t just add it all back in to your kitchen because it can derail you terribly. - Freeze healthy foods
If you freeze healthy foods you’ve made too much of instead of letting them go bad, you’ll always have a healthy meal to grab on a super busy day.You can also freeze healthy meals in freezer bags that you can just throw in a slow cooker or InstantPot when you don’t have time cook or your day got thrown off. - Learn to make healthy food tasty and enjoyable- and, yes that is 120% possible!Learning to turn veggies and protein in to delicious meals is so important. Your food has to taste good in order for you to want to continue eating it. And it is absolutely possible.We are constantly eating yummy, healthy foods in my home. Check out these delicious clean eating recipes to start.Also, keep track of which recipes you like and which ones you don’t so you can always go back and make things you and your family enjoyed.
- Tell people you are serious about this.
One of the hardest things is when people are constantly joking about your diet or inviting you to do things that they know don’t fit your new lifestyle. You just have to let them know that you’re serious and be okay with telling them no. - Learn what proper serving sizes are.
We are so used to overeating and getting huge plates that when we see normal, proper serving sizes we think “that’s tiny. that’s it?”When, in fact, it’s a healthy serving.The easiest way to familiarize yourself with healthy serving sizes is to get portion control containers that allow you to fill them up and make sure you are eating a healthy serving of a specific type of nutrient.
I hope these 10 tips for healthy eating help you get started on the right track!